Employment & Volunteering
TCCAA Employment Opportunities
Job Seekers
For employment information and volunteer listings, contact the Job Training Center in Red Bluff, CA. Visit the Job Training Center Website for a list of jobs or stop by the Job Training Center to see how they can help you identify job or volunteer opportunities in Tehama County.
Job Training Center
724 Main Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone: (530) 529-7000
Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) promotes the hiring of individuals who qualify as members of target groups, by providing a federal tax credit incentive of up to $9,600 for employers who hire them. For more information on how you can qualify your employer for this tax credit, please check out the information sheet below, or visit the State of California Employment Development Department website.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Information Sheet
State of California Employment Development Department (EDD website)
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit has two purposes:
To promote the hiring of individuals who qualify as a member of a target group.
To provide a federal tax credit to employers who hire these individuals.
When you hire an individual who meets the criteria for this program, you may be able to claim federal tax credit against wages paid. For more information on how you can qualify for this tax credit, please check out the brochure below, or visit the State of California Employment Development Department website.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for Employers
State of California Employment Development Department (EDD website)
If you would like to volunteer for any of our events, please contact our office number or by email so we can add you to the volunteer list.