Housing Deposit Assistance Program

Tehama County Community Action Agency connects low-income families with resources designed to help them obtain safe, permanent housing. When available, we refer people to program which help with security deposits, rent, utility payments and low-income housing. Tehama County Community Action Agency’s Deposit Assistance Program also has limited funding available to provide rental and utility deposit assistance to qualifying families.

Senior Nutrition

The Senior Nutrition Program served local seniors by providing daily, balanced and nutritious meals through meal service sites and home delivered routes. In many communities, this program is commonly referred to as “meals on wheels”. If a senior, aged 60 or older, is unable to drive, they may be eligible for home delivered services. Drivers deliver meals to about 90 homebound seniors a day, covering approximately 150 miles in the process. These daily visits are important and help seniors cope with three of the biggest threats of aging: hunger, isolation and loss of independence.